I have to analyze the nature of circular references in the current Clojure implementations in order to avoid making an inelegant F# monolith – massive quantities of code in one file with all the types mutually recursive.

In For your Cons-ideration, I pointed out two places where mutual reference occurs: the Seqable/IPersitentCollection/ISeq triple of interfaces and the Cons/ASeq pairing.

Triple play

Let’s start with our faves:

type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Seqable =
    abstract seq : unit -> ISeq

and [<AllowNullLiteral>] IPersistentCollection = 
    inherit Seqable
    abstract count : unit -> int
    abstract cons: obj -> IPersistentCollection
    abstract empty: unit -> IPersistentCollection
    abstract equiv: obj -> bool

and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ISeq =
    inherit IPersistentCollection
    abstract first : unit -> obj
    abstract next : unit -> ISeq
    abstract more : unit -> ISeq
    abstract cons : obj -> ISeq

ISeq inherits from IPersistentCollection, which inherits from Seqable, which refers to ISeq. Can this be avoided?

Yes. You can find articles dealing with exactly this issue. Some of the first I read were a seqeuence you can find here. For our situation, adding type parameters will work.

type SeqableT<'T> =
    abstract seq: unit -> 'T

type IPersistentCollectionT<'T> = 
    inherit SeqableT<'T>
    abstract cons: obj -> IPersistentCollectionT<'T>

type ISeqT<'T> =
    inherit IPersistentCollectionT<'T>
    abstract next: unit -> 'T

(Showing just enough of the methods to get the circularities.) But how do we instantiate this? What goes in for 'T?

The magic starts at the bottom. Define

type ISeq =
    inherit ISeqT<ISeq>

Yes, the recursion in that type definition works. For the other two interfaces, you can go one of two ways: (1) define aliases; (2) define derived types.

We can define aliases to get the names we want:

type IPersistentCollection = IPersistentCollectionT<ISeq>
type Seqable = SeqableT<ISeq>

Then we could write an implementation along these lines:

type MyClass(x:int) = 
    interface ISeq

    interface ISeqT<ISeq> with
        member this.next() = upcast this

    interface IPersistentCollection with
        member this.cons(o) = upcast this

    interface Seqable with
        member this.seq() = upcast this

The problem is that aliases are not sticky. Any program from the outside would not see that MyClass implements IPersistentCollection. It would see IPersistentCollectionT<ISeq>. I’m not sure I’m willing to violate expectations to that extent.

An alternative would be to create real types:

type ISeq =
    inherit ISeqT<ISeq>

type IPersistentCollection =
    inherit IPersistentCollectionT<ISeq>

type Seqable =
    inherit SeqableT<ISeq>

With this, MyClass becomes

type MyClass(x:int) = 
    interface ISeq
    interface IPersistentCollection
    interface Seqable

    interface ISeqT<ISeq> with
        member this.next() = upcast this

    interface IPersistentCollectionT<ISeq> with
        member this.cons(o) = upcast this

    interface SeqableT<ISeq> with
        member this.seq() = upcast this

Is it worth all this extra work and complexity for every class that implements these interfaces? For the sake of two ands among three very small interfaces, I’m saying not. But I’m open to persuasion, I suppose.

The duple is a quadruple

We mentioned the close tie between Cons and ASeq, but there are two more players: PersistentList and PersistentList+EmptyList. Let’s call them C, A, P, and E, respectively. We have these relationships:

  • A uses C in cons
  • A uses E in empty
  • A uses E in more
  • C inherits from A
  • C uses E in empty
  • E uses P in cons
  • P inherits from A
  • P uses E in empty

Can we reduce the dependencies?

Could E by represented by a P? Only with significant contortion. Having no element and having an element are quite distinct operationally. One could perhaps use a discriminated union, but only at the cost of no longer using ASeq (more on that in a moment) and perhaps not interacting well externally. And we add a bunch of match expressions in the code. Or, given that, as implemented, P carries a count, we could complicate every piece of implementation code with a count=0 test. Is this worth it? I think not. I prefer the clarity that comes at the cost of cylic dependency.

Could we reduce complexity by severing the connection of C, P, and E on A? This would mean P and C not inheriting from A, thus requiring a duplication of code. How bad would this be?

I did an analysis of the overrides of A methods in P and C. Looking at interfaces ISeq, IPersistentCollection, and Seqable, almost all of the implementations are overriden. What is not overriden so much are A’s implement of Object overrride (ToString, Equals, GetHashCode) and implementations of System.Collections.IList, System.Collections.ICollection, and System.IEnumerable, which are in the contract for these types. One could split this apart by defining a base class that provides this latter group of interface implementations, define E, P, and C as a recursively joined group, and defining ASeq for everyone else to use.

Are there operational consequences? The only places ASeq is mentioned directly in code is in the aforementioned RT.seq and in the definitions of CollReduce extensions in protocols.clj. For CollReduce, we’ll just have to make a note.

Unfortunately, RT.seq holds some nasty surprises, as we will discover in Circular Reasoning, part 2.