Typing in original Clojure(JVM/CLR)

Interface Expr provides two methods of relevance:

bool HasClrType { get; }
Type ClrType { get; }

Calling ClrType when HasClrType is false can result in an exception being thrown.

The obvious ones

Starting with the Expr subtypes that are pretty obvious. First up: Subtypes of LiteralExpr:

Type HasClrType ClrType Comment
BooleanExpr true bool  
ConstantExpr see below see below  
KeywordExpr true Keyword  
NilExpr true null  
NumberExpr true int
Depends on the value.
These are the only options allowed.
StringExpr true String  

Note that NilExpr is the only expression type that has ClrType == null.

ConstantExpr is a bit more complicated. It holds a value, call it v. If v is one of APersistentMap, APersistentSet or APersistentVector, then HasClrType is true and ClrType is the corresponding one of those three types. Otherwise, we use the type of v provided it is IsPublic or IsNestedPublic or is an instance of Type. For that last condition, we have in code


This relates to the fact that, e.g., the type of System.Int64 is RuntimeType and RuntimeType is not public. Or so it says.

There are three types that encapsulate values of our significant collections types.

Type HasClrType ClrType Comment
MapExpr true IPersistentMap  
VectorExpr true IPersistentVector  
SetExpr true IPersistentSet  

To these we can add:

Type HasClrType ClrType Comment
EmptyExpr true IPersistentList
Depends on the value we want the ‘empty’ of

Some random examples that are still pretty obvious:

Type HasClrType ClrType Comment
DefExpr true Var  
ImportExpr false throws Is this obvious?
Why not null?
NewExpr true The type we are constructing an instance of  
TheVarExpr true Var  
UntypedExpr false throws Includes MonitorEnterExpr, MonitorExitExpr, ThrowExpr
UnresolvedVarExpr false throws  

Expressions that pass through the type of their subexpression

Some Expr types merely pass along the subtypes of one of their subexpressions.

Type HasClrType ClrType Comment
AssignExpr Val.HasClrType Val.ClrType Val is the expression being assigned to the target
BodyExpr LastExpr.HasClrType LastExpr.ClrType LastExpr is the last expression in the body
CaseExpr returnType is not null returnType returnType is not null if all case branches have the same return type
Body.HasClrType Body.ClrType Body is the body of the let / letfn expression
MetaExpr expr.HasClrType expr.ClrType expr is the expression being wrapped
TryExpr _tryExpr.HasClrType _tryExpr.ClrType _tryExpr is the expression being wrapped
not sure why the catch clauses are not examined

Recur and conditionsals

One of my favorite classes in the ClojureCLR code is Recur:

    public static class Recur
        public static readonly Type RecurType = typeof(Recur);

This class exists only to provide its own type. The value Recur.RecurType is the type of a recur expression:

Type HasClrType ClrType Comment
RecurExpr true Recur.RecurType  

A recur expression does not have a value. It is looping construct, basically a go-to with local variable assignments. Nothing can follow it in the flow of control. If it is in a do, for example, it can only occur as the last expression. This is essentially a tail call position.

The only place where Recur.RecurType is used, other than RecurExpr, is in IfExpr. When does an IfExpr have a type? Both its thenExpr and its elseExpr must have a type. and the types must be ‘compatible’. The types are compatible if:

  1. They are equal.
  2. One of them is Recur.RecurType
  3. One of them is null and the other is not a value type (on the JVM, a primitive types)


For most of the remaining expression types, a type can be derived in two ways. One is from an analysis of its constituents, things like subexpressions or method information. The other is for the expression to have a tag. Tags always override internal analysis.

The tags usually are interpreted by the method HostExpr.TagToType. There are several possibilities.

  • the tag is a Symbol without a namespace:
    • We check if it is in the group of special names: int, long, ints, longs, etc.
    • We check if it is mapped to a type in the current namespace.
  • the tag is a Symbol with a namespace: We check if is an array type: int/5 or String/1, for example.
  • the tag is a type: We use the type.
  • If the tag is a Symbol with no namespace or a string, we try to look up the type (according to what’s appropriate for JVM vs CLR).

In the code for tagged forms, we typically see things like:

public override bool HasClrType => _tag != null || _tinfo != null;
public override Type ClrType => _tag != null ? HostExpr.TagToType(_tag) : _tinfo.FieldType;

Sometimes there is nothing besides the tag, with these forms corresponding simplified. In the discussion below, I’ll just say hasTag or tagType to convey the notion.

Some tagged expressions

Let’s do some of the simpler tagged expreesions first.

Type HasClrType ClrType Comment
VarExpr hasTag tagType see below for where the tag might come from
LocalBindingExpr hasTag or lb.HasClrType tagType or lb.ClrType lb is the local binding

The way one gets a VarExpr is when syntactic analysis hits a symbol that maps to Var in the current namespace. If the symbol itself is tagged, that is used. Else, we see if the Var itself itself is tagged – this might have come from when it def-d to begin with, the tag coming from the symbol in the def form.

The LocalBinding referenced in a LocalBindingExpr, though not an Expr, does have methods HasClrType and ClrType. LocalBinding.HasClrType is exceptionally ugly. It does some caching of values that complicates the code; removing that we are left with the following:

public bool HasClrType
        if (Init != null
            && Init.HasClrType
            && Util.IsPrimitive(Init.ClrType)
            && !(Init is MaybePrimitiveExpr))
            return false;
            return Tag != null || (Init != null && Init.HasClrType);

public Type ClrType => Tag != null ? HostExpr.TagToType(Tag) : Init.ClrType;

This has the overall format of the code for preferring tags over inferred type. The complicated conditional in HasClrType can be put in words as:

If there is an initializer and it has a type and the type is primitive but the initializer expression is not capable of emitting a primitive, then this local binding does not have a type.

Note that in this case whether we have a tag or not is irrelevant. Why can a tag on the local binding symbols not override the type of the initializer? I don’t know. (In the constructor for LocalBinding, an exception is thrown if there is tag and the intializer is a MaybePrimitiveExpr and the return type is primitive but not void.) I suppose because you are going to get a boxed primitive and there is no point in trying to pretend otherwise with a a tag.

InvokeExpr and friends

InvokeExpr is more complicated. The parser for InvokeExpr is the last resort when analyzing a form that looks like (f arg1 arg2 ... ). We’ve tried macroexanding it, seeing if f is a Var with an inline definition, checking for f representing special forms that have their own handlers, such as fn*, let*, if, ., etc. If none of these work, we call InvokeExpr.

The parser for InvokeExpr produces several kinds of expressions, depending on the nature of f: InstanceOfExpr, StaticInvokeExpr, KeywordInvokeExpr, StaticInvokeExpr, various kinds of interop call expressions, and InvokeExpr itself. The details of the parser how they parser picks each of these is not so relevant here.

The various kinds of interop calls that are generated will be covered in the next section. KeywordInvokeExpr and InstanceOfExpr are quite simple (see table below). InvokeExpr and StaticInvokeExpr have the same calculation of typing information – use the tag if it exists. The twist here is how the tag is calculated. In order of preference:

  1. The tag on the form itself.
  2. The signature tag on the :arglists metadata of the Var that f resolves to.
  3. The tag on the Var itself.

For the second item, the :arglists metadata should be a list of signatures, each signature being a vector such as [coll x] or [coll x & xs]. We search the list of signatures to find a match according to the number of arguments in the call, with appropriate handling of variadic signatures. If we find a match, we take the tag on that vector, if it exists. That give us:

Type HasClrType ClrType Comment
KeywordInvokeExpr hasTag tagType  
InstanceOfExpr true bool  
hasTag tagType Tag computed as described above

Interop calls

The interop calls are the subtypes of HostExpr. For typing purposes, they are all the same. Each tries to identify a method/property/field to call. If it exists, it will have a return type. If it doesn’t exist, we will be coding reflection for the call and we have no information on the call’s return type. If a tag is provided, it is used instead. The exception to this is InstanceZeroArityCallExpr; when it is issued, we are definitely in a reflection situation, so on the tag can be used.

There is one form of interop call that is not a subtype of HostExpr: QualifiedMethodExpr. This comes into play when the functional form is of for the form Type/name. If name starts with a ., this is intneded to be an instance method call. If the name is new, then a constructor call intended. Else, it is a static method call. A QME can come either in the functional position (head of an invocation) or in a value position. If it is in a functional position, it is converted into of the subtypes of HostExpr. In this case, any tag will be used to indicate the CLR type, but it is not clear where this is used.

| Type | HasClrType | ClrType | Comment | |:——-|:————–:|:———–:|:———| | InstanceFieldExpr
StaticMethodExpr | _hasTag_ or _hasRetType_ | _tagType_ or _retType_ | | | InstanceZeroArityCallExpr | _hasTag_ | _tagType_ | | | QualifiedMethodExpr` | hasTag | tagType | |

ObjExpr and friends

ObjExpr – a name I do not understand – is an abstract class with concrete implementations FnExpr and NewInstanceExpr, the latter a name I also don’t understand. FnExpr is used for regular IFn functions. NewInstanceExpr comes from deftype and reify. The CLR type of an FnExpr or NewInstanceExpr is some kind of functional type. The defaults are AFunction and IFn, respectively. Mostly these don’t matter, though there are places where the fact that an FnExpr is an AFunction comes into play, specifically where protocol implementation is involved. If a tag is provided, it is used instead, but I don’t know why. Even odder is NewInstanceExpr. It inherits ClrType from ObjExpr, which calculates its type from

  1. Compiled class – the class that is generated for the deftype or reify form.
  2. Tag – if it exists.
  3. IFn – otherwise.

I cannot find any way that ClrType could be called with the compiled class having already been generated.

Type HasClrType ClrType Comment
FnExpr true tagType or AFunction  
NewInstanceExpr true compiled-type or tagType or IFn  

Of more interest are the method classes: FnMethod and NewInstanceMethod, both subclasses of ObjMethod. These are where the actual code for the functions are located, across various arities.

ObjMethod defines properties

        public abstract Type ReturnType { get; }
        public abstract Type[] ArgTypes { get; }

In FnMethod these are implemented as

        public override Type[] ArgTypes
                if (IsVariadic && _reqParms.count() == Compiler.MaxPositionalArity)
                    Type[] ret = new Type[Compiler.MaxPositionalArity + 1];
                    for (int i = 0; i < Compiler.MaxPositionalArity + 1; i++)
                        ret[i] = typeof(Object);
                    return ret;

                return Compiler.CreateObjectTypeArray(NumParams);

        public override Type ReturnType
                if (_prim != null) // Objx.IsStatic)
                    return _retType;

                return typeof(object);

These are used to generate the signatures for the invoke methods.
Thus we have an array whose values are all typeof(Object) – that is the typing for invokes.
The return type is typeof(object) unless the method is a primitive method, in which case the return type is the primitive type.
The retType value initially is transferred from the :tag metadata of the defining form on the name in the defn form. But that is the last priority. Higher priority are the :tag metadata on the parameter vector and the :tag metadata on the :arglists entry (for the signature with matching argument count).


Some of the node types implement the MaybePrimitiveExpr interface, defined as follows.

public interface MaybePrimitiveExpr : Expr
    bool CanEmitPrimitive { get; }
    void EmitUnboxed(RHC rhc, ObjExpr objx, CljILGen ilg);

Implementing this interface indicates there is a chance the expression can emit an unboxed primitive. In the context of classic Clojure(JVM/CLR) the only primitives allowed are long and double. In ClojureCLR.Next, the intentions is to have a compiler mode that extends this to all value types.

The expression types that implement MaybePrimitiveExpr are:

LocalBindingExpr BodyExpr CaseExpr IfExpr  
InstanceOfExpr LetExpr LetFnExpr MethodParamExpr  
NumberExpr RecurExpr StaticInvokeExpr HostExpr+subtypes  

Let us consider one example. When can BodyExpr emit an unboxed primitive? Its code consists of code for each of the expressions in the body, with all but the last having their values discarded. The last expression is the one that matters. If it is a MaybePrimitiveExpr, then BodyExpr can emit an unboxed primitive. If it is not, then BodyExpr cannot emit an unboxed primitive.

    public bool CanEmitPrimitive
        get { return LastExpr is MaybePrimitiveExpr expr && expr.CanEmitPrimitive; }

What is the difference between the regular Emit code and the EmitUnboxed code? The former concludes with:

LastExpr.Emit(rhc, objx, ilg);

The latter concludes with

MaybePrimitiveExpr mbe = (MaybePrimitiveExpr)LastExpr;
mbe.EmitUnboxed(rhc, objx, ilg);

What expression types are not MaybePrimitiveExpr? And can we guess why?

Type Reason?
BooleanExpr It has a bool value, but the only primitives that count are long and double.
ConstantExpr It might hold a value which is a primitive, but double or long constants will be parsed as NumberExpr, so this can’t be primitive by our definition.
InvokeExpr this will call some variant of IFn.invoke which has returns a reference.
KeywordInvokeExpr Does a lookup in a map, will return a reference.
Returns a Var
KeywordExpr Returns a Keyword
MetaExpr The wrapped expressions must be an IObj, which is a reference type.
NewExpr Returns a new instance of a class, which is a reference type.
These are collections, which are reference types.
StringExpr Returns a String
These are functional types, which are reference types.
Void or no return at all
QualifiedMethodExpr Generates an FnExpr

There are two expression types for which I’m not sure why they couldn’t be MaybePrimitiveExpr: AssignExpr and TryExpr. I may have to think more.

The real essence of MaybePrimitiveExpr becomes apparent when you look at how code is emitted, specifically, the attempts to avoid boxing for known primitive values. That is for another time and place.