Looking at how some differences between the JVM’s classfile model and .Net’s assembly model manifest in ClojureCLR, and thoughts about making some changes. Specifically, we look at the how function creation interacts with the identity of types across evaluation and compilation.

Inherent JVM-ness

Clojure was designed to run on the JVM. Characteristics of the JVM manifest directly in Clojure. When one tries to implement Clojure on another platform, one becomes painfully aware of assumptions built into the Clojure language. In this post I’ll concentrate on one aspect: the identity of types.

When Rich Hickey first started to design and implement what became Clojure, he worked on the JVM and the CLR simultaneously.  He dropped the CLR development to focus on the JVM fairly early.  One wonders how the design of Clojure would differ if he had continued dual development. 
    [I also wonder what I would have done with all the time I would have saved from not working on ClojureCLR for the last fifteen years.  But I digress.] 
But I digress.

JVM: the identity of types

One can spend quite a bit of time working in Java and not give much though about the identity of types. You know there are system-defined types floating around, such java.lang.String, and there are your own types, maybe my.funny.Valentine. You compile your code, each type ends up in a compiled code file, say my/funny/Valentine.class. There’s this classpath thing you need to get right, but otherwise things just mostly work.

Under the surface, the classloader mechanism is used to find and load class files. Classloaders are hierarchical – delegation to the parent classloader is a key part of the semantics of type loading. Any type that is loaded belongs to a classloader. Thus it is possible to have two types with same fully-qualified name (FQN), such as my.funny.Valentine that are distinct because they were loaded by different classloaders.

There are plenty of explanations of classloaders available online.   You can start with these:
- [Class Loaders in Java](https://www.baeldung.com/java-classloaders)
- [JVM Architecture: JVM Class loader and Runtime Data Areas](https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2018/04/jvm-architecture-jvm-class-loader-and-runtime-data-areas.html)
- [Understanding Extension Class Loading](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/ext/basics/load.html)

Classloaders in Clojure

Beyond just the usual mechanics of getting types loaded into the Clojure at runtime, Clojure plays games with classloaders behind teh scenes. Suppose you are sitting at the REPL and you evaluate the following code:

(defn f [x] (inc x))    ;; =>  #'user/f
(def f1 f)              ;; =>  #'user/f1, capturing the value of #'f
                        ;;                 before we change it
(defn f [x] (dec x))    ;; =>  #'user/f
(def f2 f)               ;; =>  #'user/f2

If you now look at f1 and f2, they are clearly different.

f1         ;; => #object[user$f 0x7c455e96 "user$f@7c455e96"]
f2         ;; => #object[user$f 0x1eaf1e62 "user$f@1eaf1e62"]

No surprise; they are different objects in memory. They appear to have the same class.

(class f1)         ;; => user$f
(class f2)         ;; => user$f

But, no.

(= (class f1) (class f2))    ;; => false

Lo and behold, they have different classloaders.

(.getClassLoader (class f1))    ;; => #object[clojure.lang.DynamicClassLoader 0x30feffc "clojure.lang.DynamicClassLoader@30feffc"]
(.getClassLoader (class f2))    ;; => #object[clojure.lang.DynamicClassLoader 0x985696 "clojure.lang.DynamicClassLoader@985696"]

The classloaders are of type clojure.lang.DynamicClassLoader, defined here. DynamicClassLoader instances are created all the time when running Clojure. The ‘E’ in ‘REPL’ is java.lang.Compiler.eval:

public static Object eval(Object form) {
	return eval(form, true);

public static Object eval(Object form, boolean freshLoader) {
	boolean createdLoader = false;
		Var.pushThreadBindings(RT.map(LOADER, RT.makeClassLoader()));
		createdLoader = true;


Every time you evaluate a form at the REPL, a new classloader is created and dynamically bound to a Var to be picked up as needed. In FnExpr, which is responsible for generating the user#f classes seen above, we find:

	synchronized Class getCompiledClass(){
		if(compiledClass == null)
				loader = (DynamicClassLoader) LOADER.deref();
				compiledClass = loader.defineClass(name, bytecode, src);
		return compiledClass;

This picks up the dynamically generated classloader and uses it to define the user#f class. Each time, we have a different classloader; each time we get a different class, even if named the same.

Compilation in Clojure(JVM)

Compilation adds an interesting wrinkle to this story. Compilation in Clojure takes a namespace and generates (a) a set of classfiles defining the various types generated while loading the file; and (b) an initialization class that has code that mimics the actions of loading the file at the REPL.

The wrinkle is that classfiles themselves do not carry information about classloaders. There will be only one user$f.class generated. Last one compiled wins.

Consider the following code file, test/test.clj:

(ns test.test)
(defn f [] (println "I'm first!"))
(defn g [] (print "g says: ") (f))
(defn f [] (println "I'm second?"))

Now load it:

> clj
Clojure 1.12.0
user=> (load "test/test")
g says: I'm first!
g says: I'm second?
user=> (test.test/g)
g says: I'm second?

The function g is set up to access the function f by getting the value of the Var #'f. In the first call to g, #'f is bound to the defn f. In the second call, it is bound to the second defn f.

Start again, this time compiling the file.

> clj
Clojure 1.12.0
user=> (compile 'test.test)
g says: I'm first!
g says: I'm second?
user=> (test.test/g)
g says: I'm second?

Identical behavior. Now that we’re compiled, start again and do the load.

Clojure 1.12.0
user=> (load "test/test")
g says: I'm second?
g says: I'm second?

And now we see the difference. There is only one user$f.class file, and it is the second definition of f. That is the one that is loaded, the only that g sees, and that is used in both calls to g. Redefinition does not interact well with compilation.

It’s not that this is unexpected. Ahead-of-time Compilation and Class Generation warns us thus:

The Clojure compilation model preserves as much as possible the dynamic nature of Clojure, in spite of the code-reloading limitations of Java.

Direct linking

You get more behavioral differences when you consider direct linking.

One consequence of direct linking is that var redefinitions will not be seen by code that has been compiled with direct linking (because direct linking avoids dereferencing the var).

Let’s run this one more time, first deleting the class files we created earlier. We then recompile with direct linking turned on.

> clj
Clojure 1.12.0
user=> (binding [*compiler-options* {:direct-linking true}] (compile 'test.test))
g says: I'm first!
g says: I'm first!
user=> (test.test/g)
g says: I'm first!

Because g does not redirect through #'f, it does not see the redefinition of f.
Without direct linking, g is coded by


where fvar has been initialized to #'f. With direct linking, the code is


Here, the class test.test$f is the class generated by the first definition of f. When f is redefined, g does not see the change. It is hardwired.

Now, go out and load.

> clj
Clojure 1.12.0
user=> (load "test/test")
g says: I'm second?
g says: I'm second?

We see the opposite behavior. Why? There is only one test.test$f.class file to be found on disk. It is the second one.

One consequence of direct linking is that var redefinitions will not be seen by code that has been compiled with direct linking (because direct linking avoids dereferencing the var).

If you compile or load uncompiled with direct linking, g will be locked to the first definition of f. If you load compiled code, g will be locked to the second definition of f. The behavior changes. Now we understand:

The Clojure compilation model preserves as much as possible the dynamic nature of Clojure, in spite of the code-reloading limitations of Java.

There is a solution: selective disabling of direct linking.

Vars marked as ^:dynamic will never be direct linked. If you wish to mark a var as supporting redefinition (but not dynamic), mark it with ^:redef to avoid direct linking.

Keep that thought in mind.

CLR: the identity of types

To the runtime, a type doesn’t exist outside the context of an assembly.

Read all about it in Assemblies in .NET.

One could concieve of a type in a running JVM as pair of classloader + bytearray, the bytes coming from a classfile, say, or generated in memory by the compiler. In the CLR, a type inherently carries the assembly that defined it. The assembly could have been read from a file or generated dynamically. For example, the real name of a type is its fully-qualified name plus its assembly name, AKA the assembly-qualified name:

(.FullName (class 7))               ;; => "System.Int64"
(.AssemblyQualifiedName (class 7))  ;; => "System.Int64, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e"

When I was doing the initial port of Clojure to the CLR, I ran into this difference very quickly. I was not sure I could afford to proliferate internal assemblies in the same way that Clojure(JVM) generated classloaders. So I went with a design where one dynamic assembly was created to handle all code at the REPL. And the first time I redefined a function, I got an error trying to create a type with the same name as one that already existed.

My solution was to append a counter to form the name. Let’s run the first example above in ClojureCLR:

(defn f [x] (inc x))    ;; =>  #'user/f
(def f1 f)              ;; =>  #'user/f1
(defn f [x] (dec x))    ;; =>  #'user/f
(def f2 f)              ;; =>  #'user/f2
(class f1)              ;; =>  user$f__24824
(class f2)              ;; =>  user$f__24830

When I got around to compilation, gen-class, and other things that saved assemblies, I used the same naming approach.

Direct linking enters the picture

Direct linking challenged this approach. Suppose we have AOT-compiled the clojure.core code. (Working under the Framework 4.x version.) This will create the assembly clojure.core.clj.dll. In that assembly, there is a class that implements the assoc function. That type will be named something like clojure.core$assoc__122__125. Now suppose you have a library which you have AOT-compiled with direct linking turned on. In there is a function that calls assoc. Direct linking will cause that call to be encoded as


Now suppose a new version of ClojureCLR is released. Numbers change. assoc is now clojure.core$assoc__987_1248. The library is still calling clojure.core$assoc__122_125. Your compiled code is broken. You have no choice but to recompile.

Okay, it’s not the end of the world. You can recompile – your code, any libraries you are using. But it’s a pain. And unnecessary – if we could go without the counters and just compile the assoc implementation to a fixed type name – clojure.core$assoc. Which is possible except for redefinitions.

This has only been a problem for folks running ClojureCLR under Framework 4.x because we have not had AOT-compilation under Core and later. As we move to re-enabling AOT-compilation under .NET 9, we can fix this.

If we are generating into a persisted assembly – AOT-compiling – and the Var whose function we are compiling supports direct linking – not marked as ^:dynamic or ^:redef (plus a few other conditions) – then we can generate the type name without the counter.

Another approach?

Why not get rid of the counter approach and the single eval assembly and go the Clojure(JVM) route: generate assemblies like popcorn at a movie theater? My disinclination was based on an unexamined hypothesis that so much assembly creation would be a detrimental. But I never tested the hypothesis.

So I decided to test that hypothesis as I work on re-activating AOT-compilation. A full explanation of what I learned will take us into other realms. And this is post is already long enough. So I’ll save the analysis for the next post: Are you my type?.