STM in Clojure - Design
We look at software transactional memory (STM) as implemented in Clojure. In magnificent detail.
- Part 1: STM in Clojure - Design (this post)
- Part 2: STM in Clojure - Code
- Part 3: STM in Clojure - Testing
Clojure provides “shared use of mutable storage locations” by implementing software transactional memory (STM). Transactions here provide the ACI in ACID: atomicity, consistency, and isolation. The Clojure implementation of STM uses multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) to provide a consistent view of the world to each transaction and to the world at large.
As I was porting the Clojure STM implementation to F# as part of the ClojureCLR.Next project, I realized I no longer understood the Java/C# code. It took quite a while to reconstruct the rationale behind the code. Hence this post; future me will thank present me. Everyone else is invited along for the (long) ride.
Background reading
It helps to be familiar with the basic concepts of STM and MVCC. Two quick reads:
The official reference on STM in Clojure is:
MVCC STM in Clojure has a nice write-up of how STM works in Clojure.
Working through the code, I could reconstruct most of the rationale for why things were coded the way they were. Except for histories. The post cited above mentions histories but does not give a rationale for their existence. I searched the interwebs for clues, and eventually found this comment on the Clojurian Slack, reminding me that there are these things called ‘books’. It was such a pleasure to dig back into:
- Clojure Programming by Chas Emerick, Brian Carper, and Christophe Grand. The section titled Refs in Chapter 4: Concurrency and Parallelism has an excellent description of the implementation of STM in Clojure.
- The Joy of Clojure by Michael Fogus and Chris Houser. The first two sections of Chapter 10: Mutation and Concurrency are also excellent.
I an no longer doomed to repeat (my search for the meaning of) history.
Promises, promises
You should look at the API documentation for relevant functions.
- dosync – evaluates code in a transaction
- ref – creates a
object. - deref – returns the current value of a
. - ensure – enrolls a ref in the current transaction
- ref-set – sets the value of a ref (in a transaction)
- alter – updates the value of a ref (in a transaction)
- commute – updates the value of a ref (in a transaction) both during the transaction, with a recomputation at the end of the transaction.
I’m going to ignore some aspects of Refs and transactions such as validators and watchers. And I’m going to ignore agents. Though they are important tools in using Refs, they are incidental to the main logic of the STM implementation.
Design thinking - in reverse
I don’t want to derive all of MVCC from first principles. In fact, the analysis below is really reverse design; I looked at the code and figured out what the design must have been.
The timeline of Ref values proceeds in discrete steps. Any given point, in the world outside of any transaction, we see a consistent set of values across all the Refs that have been created. There may be transactions running, but we do not see anything they are up to until they commit. When a transaction commits, it will update the Ref world atomically; from the point of view of anyone outside that transaction, the changes will appear to have happened all at once. We will never see a state where only a subset of the changes to Ref values made by the transaction have been applied.
Internally to transactions and to the Refs themselves, timestamps are used to keep track of the order of events. Timestamps are integers and are monotically increasing with time. Transactions get assigned timestamps when they are created, when they are forced to retry execution after a conflict, and when they commit. The timestamps are used internally to determine the relative age of transactions. In addition, the value currently assigned to a Ref will have a timestamp associated with it, the timestamp assigned to the commit action that set the value. For reasons we will go into later, a Ref can keep a history of values with older timestamps. A snapshot of the “Ref world” would be a set of values in effect at a particular time.
Let’s say we have Refs r1
, r2
, and r3
with the following histories, indicated with the notation ‘<value, timestamp>’:
r1: <v11, 0> <v12, 12> <v13, 17>
r2: <v21, 0> <v22, 22>
r3: <v31, 0>
A snapshot of the Ref world at timestamp 19 would be: r1 = v13, r2 = v21, r3 = v31.
In the normal world, outside of any transaction, we only see the most recent value for a ref. Thus, right now in this world, if we used @
(or deref
) to get the values, we would see:
@r1 => v13
@r2 => v22
@r3 => v31
Suppose now that transaction T1 commits with commit timestamp 29 and updates r1
and r3
. The Ref world would now be:
r1: <v11, 0> <v12, 12> <v13, 17> <v14, 29>
r2: <v21, 0> <v22, 22>
r3: <v31, 0> <v32, 29>
Atomicity requires that either both changes are made or neither. Consistency requires that no one ever sees the Ref world in an intermediate state where, say, r1
has been updated but r3
has not. The easiest way to achieve this is to have T1 acquire locks on r1
and r3
before making any changes. T1 will then update those refs before releasing the locks.
You might have heard that MVCC doesn’t involve locks. It’s bit more nuanced than that. What MVCC avoids is coarse-grained locking and locks with non-trivial temporal extent. While T1 is running, before it gets to the point of committing, it is doing its various computations. It is not locking the refs it is updating, except briefly when it has to read a value or do a little bookkeeping. Only at the point of committing does it lock the refs it is updating. The locks are held just long enough to update the data structures.
Or so I believed. I discovered that Refs that have been ensured hold read locks for an indefinite period, with observable results. More below.
Isolation is achieved by making invisibile to the outside any changes made to a ref (via ref-set
, alter
, or commute
) until the transaction commits. While executing, the transaction will see the changes it has made. This is accomplished by having the transaction keep track of the ‘in-transaction-value’ of any ref it has updated. Thus, the deref
operation operates differently inside a transaction than outside.
Stepping on toes
Transactions should be coded in the expectation that the transaction’s code may be executed an arbitray number of times. A transaction will be forced to retry if the Ref world has changed underneath it in a way significant to the transaction, i.e., if since the time it started an attempt and before committing, some other transaction has committed a change to a Ref
of interest, then the transaction is no longer operating from a consistent snapshot of the Ref world. The transaction will be aborted and restarted.
If implemented in a naive manner, this mechanism could lead to inefficiency and unfairness. Inefficiency comes about if we only discover a conflict at commit time. If we could discover a potential conflict as we are making in-transaction changes – without violating isolation – we could abort right away, forgoing any remaining computation, and restarting immediately with hope for a better outcome. Fairness is an issue if a transaction could be forced to retry indefinitely because it keeps getting preempted by other transactions.
One mechanism accomplished both goals. Consider two transactions. Transaction T1 computes a (in-transaction) change to Ref R1. At that time, it will put a little ‘stamp’ on R1 saying that it intends to change R1’s value when T1 commits. T2 comes along a bit later, but before T1 has committed, and wants to change (in-transaction) R1’s value also. T2 will see that R1 has T1’s stamp on it. We have a conflict that will occur for either T1 or T2, whichever commits second. When T2 sees th stamp indicating a conflict, it has two choices: (a) force T1 to retry, allowing itself to continue; or (b) force itself to retry, allowing T1 to continue. Option (a) is called ‘barging’ T1. Option (b) in this code is called ‘block-and-bail’. There are several factors considered in the decision, but a primary one is the relatively priority of T1 versus T2, as determined by the timestamps of the transactions (older wins).
If T2 barges T1, it has to signal T1 in some way to force T1 to retry. T2 can’t just reach in to T1’s thread and throw an exception or other hackery. We use a clever trick to do this signaling efficiently. When a transaction is created, it creates a small ‘transaction info’ (LTInfo
) object that contains its starting timestamp (the signifier of its ‘age’) and its status: running, committing, committed, etc. This LTInfo
object is used as the stamp T1 puts on R1. When T2 needs to decide whether to barge T1, the LTInfo
object tells it T1’s age. If T2 decides to barges T1, it does so by setting the status in T1’s LTInfo
object to ‘retry’. We arrange the transaction code so that any significant action – setting refs or committing – first checks to make sure the transaction is still running. If not, then it will retry.
This little trick also allows us to avoid cleaning up the stamps on Refs. When we look at stamp, we check the status to see if the transaction that placed the stamp is still running. If not, we ignore the stamp. So there is no need to clean up the stamps. They are tiny objects so the memory overhead is minimal.
When a transaction is working and needs to ref-set
or alter
a Ref, and another transaction has committed a value since the transaction started, the transation must retry – we cannot maintain a consistent state in the Ref world otherwise. ensure
can be called on a Ref to enroll it in the transaction. The transaction will then be forced to retry if the ensured Ref is updated by another transaction.
What about a transaction that just wants to read a set of Refs at particular point in the timeline of the Ref world? It would be nice if we could avoid forcing the transaction to retry if the Refs are updated. We can do this by having the Ref keep a history of values. The transaction can ask for the value of the Ref at the start time of the transaction. It will see a consistent view of the world. That is all that is required.
For example, consider the scenario outlined earlier. The world looks like this:
r1: <v11, 0> <v12, 12> <v13, 17>
r2: <v21, 0> <v22, 22>
r3: <v31, 0>
Say a ‘read only’ transaction T1 starts with a timestamp of 24. As it iterates through the refs, some other transaction comes along and updates the world to look like:
r1: <v11, 0> <v12, 12> <v13, 17> <v14, 29>
r2: <v21, 0> <v22, 22>
r3: <v31, 0> <v32, 29>
T1 will still see the world as it was at timestamp 24 if (a) we require Refs to keep a history and (b) code deref
in a transaction to use the transaction’s start point when looking up the value of a Ref.
Because keeping every value across all time would be quite expensive, the size of the history is limited. One can set the :min-history
and :max-history
when the Ref is created (defaulting to 0 and 10, respectively) or call set-min-history
and set-max-history
to change the values on the fly. The size of the list will be dynamically adjusted to keep the history within the bounds. (As we shall see.)
Locking peril
As I was working through the code, I became very puzzled by how locking was working. The control flow is not exactly transparent – not surprising given that we are working with multi-threading and expect there to be conflicts, and conflicts result in throwing exceptions. That’s complexity times three.
Eventually I discovered that a premise I was working with incorrect. The premise was that all locking was short-term. And that is just not true. Doing an ensure operation on a Ref gives rise to a long-term read lock that can actually block other transactions and force retries. I discovered this when looking for clues in the online documentation for ensure. If you scroll to the bottom, you find this comment:
The doc string says:
Allows for more concurrency than (ref-set ref @ref)
What it doesn’t say is that ensure may degrade performance very seriously, as it is prone to livelock: see CLJ-2301. (ref-set ref @ref) is certainly more reliable than (ensure ref).
The issue CLJ-2301 has an example that demonstrates the problem. (It also has links to two old mailing list discussions that resulted in this issue being created.) These items are from 2017. The issue is ranked Minor – don’t hold your breath.
Before we hit actual code, it will be helpful to work through the relationships among ensure
, commute
, and ref-set
and how locking comes into play. (alter
is identical to ref-set
in its effects.)
The three operations – let’s refer to them as E
(nsure), C
(ommute) (ref-)S
(et) represent three levels of commitment.
- E = I depend on this value. I’m not going to change it. But if someone changes it while I’m working, I’ll need to retry.
- C = I will be changing the value of this Ref. I will compute an in-transaction value for it. However, when we commit, I’ll recompute the value for it based on the then-current value, so it is okay if someone changes it while I’m working.
- S = I will be changing the value of this Ref. If someone else changes it while I’m working, I’ll need to retry.
The three operations interact. In particular, let’s consider a pair of operations in sequence.
First op | Second op | Result |
S | S | The second value set will be used. |
S | E | The ensure is a no-op. We are already committed to change the Ref and have it locked down (or will retry if there is interference). |
S | C | This is okay. We will re-reun the commute function at the end of the commit phase. |
C | S | Invalid operation, exception thrown that will abort the transaction. |
C | E | These are independent. Both operations will be in effect. |
C | C | We have two functions to call at commit time. The more the merrier. |
E | S | We remove the Ref from the list of ensured Refs and put in the list of set Refs. |
E | E | The second is a no-op. |
E | C | These are independent. Both operations will be in effect. |
I don’t know anywhere these interactions are talked about. Determining them from the code takes work.
C->S is easy – it throws an exception and there is actually a comment in the code. S->E requires looking inside a double-nested conditional and seeing what doesn’t happen.
At mininum, a LockingTransaction
will need to track:
- the set of ensured Refssets
- the set ofref-set
- a dictionary mapping a Ref its in-transaction valuecommutes
- a dictionary mapping a Ref to a list of commute actions
The operations do the following:
Op | Effect |
C | Add the action to the list of actions for the Ref in the commutes map. |
E | If the Ref is in sets do nothing; else add to ensures . |
S | If the Ref is in commutes , throw an invalid operation exception; otherwise, if the Ref is in ensures , remove it. Add the Ref to sets and record the new value for it in vals . |
Let’s lock this down
A Ref
is quite a bit simpler. Primarily, it holds the history list of values and lock to control access to that list so we don’t have multiple transactions tromping all over the list with no discipline. In addition, as mentioned above it holds the ‘stamp’ of a transaction that currently has primacy on changing its value. The lock is a reader-writer lock. It supports multiple readers and only one writer. New readers can lock if there is no write lock. A write-lock can be acquired only if it is free (no readers and no writer).
The operations do the following:
Op | Locking |
C | Get a read lock, update data structures, release lock. |
E | If already ensured, do nothing. Else: Get a read lock. If someone has set the value on the Ref after our snapshot timestamp, release the lock and cause a retry. If the Ref has a stamp on it, release the lock; if the stamper is not us, cause a retry. otherwise, add the Ref to ensures and DO NOT RELEASE THE LOCK |
S | If the Ref is in ensures release the read lock. (Anything in ensures has acquired a read lock.) Try to get a write lock. Do updates, throw, whatever needs to be done. Release the write lock if you acquired it. |
Note that for E, when successful, we are holding a read lock on the Ref. Other people can read, but no one can write. Because the lock is held until this transaction either commits or retries, it is of indefinite temporal extent. This leads to the problem mentioned in CLJ-2301.
Note that for S, we said ‘try to get a write lock’. The operation to LT.tryWriteLock
tries to acquire the write lock with a timeout. If the timeout elapses, it throws a retry exception – we have resource contention here and need to retry.
This operation also checks for an existing stamp of another transaction that is still running and does barge-or-(block-and-bail) as mentioned above.
When do the read locks on ensured Refs get released? That happens at the end of each iteration of the (re)try loop, whether we have successfully committed or been thrown into doing a retry.
Finally …
We are dealing with a multi-threaded computational structure with significant chance of resource contention that results in retrying operations. The control flow is implicit and spread across maybe a dozen methods. We have locks being acquired in one place and released far away (both temporally and in the code). There are few comments. I did not know through the first five readings of the code how key the comment – “// The set of Refs holding read locks.” – actually was; it really meant what it said.
But I think I’ve got it down. Time to look at the code.