Improving the numerics code for type mapping, operations lookup, and conversions.

Refer to the preceding post, A mega-dose of micro-benchmarks, Part 1 – Setting the stage, for the context of the code we are looking at here.

Any performance improvements in the code handling numeric operations is going to affect more than just PersistentArrayMap.createWithCheck, so it’s worth taking a look.

Who’s got my number?

Let’s start with IsNumeric:

    static member IsNumeric(o: obj) =
        match o with
        | null -> false
        | _ -> Numbers.IsNumericType(o.GetType())

    static member private IsNumericType(t: Type) =
        match Type.GetTypeCode(t) with
        | TypeCode.SByte
        | TypeCode.Byte
        | TypeCode.Int16
        | TypeCode.Int32
        | TypeCode.Int64
        | TypeCode.Double
        | TypeCode.Single
        | TypeCode.UInt16
        | TypeCode.UInt32
        | TypeCode.UInt64 -> true
        | _ ->
            match t with
            | x when x = typeof<BigInt> -> true
            | x when x = typeof<BigInteger> -> true
            | x when x = typeof<BigDecimal> -> true
            | x when x = typeof<Ratio> -> true
            | _ -> false  

What is the most efficient way to test for the primitive types? The use of match on TypeCode here was taken from the Microsoft Dynamic Language Runtime code. (In C#, that’s a switch statement, of course.) However, I have also seen code that worked with explicit type checking. One has to back that up to IsNumeric:

  static member private IsNumeric(o: obj) =
        match o with
        | null -> false
        | :> SByte
        | :> Byte

This change seemed to make no real difference here, so I left it alone.

Next, I looked at

  match t with
            | x when x = typeof<BigInt> -> true

The = here translates to (decompiling to C#):

LanguagePrimitives.HashCompare.GenericEqualityIntrinsic(t, typeof(BigInt))

which is very slow. We could spend a lot of time talking about how = compiles in F#, but it would take us too far afield. There are circumstances under which that call gets optimized to something much faster, but not here. (I think is because Type is not sealed.) In the C# code, we get this IL:

IL_0010: ldarg.0
IL_0011: ldtoken [System.Runtime.Numerics]System.Numerics.BigInteger
IL_0016: call class [System.Runtime]System.Type [System.Runtime]System.Type::GetTypeFromHandle(valuetype [System.Runtime]System.RuntimeTypeHandle)
IL_001b: call bool [System.Runtime]System.Type::op_Equality(class [System.Runtime]System.Type, class [System.Runtime]System.Type)
IL_0020: ret

In other words a call to System.Type.op_Equality.

And it makes a big difference:

Method size Mean Ratio Testing
CSharpEquals 1000 2.370 ms 1.00 t1 == t2
FSharpEquals 1000 21.019 ms 8.87 t1 = t2
FSharpEquals2 1000 6.368 ms 2.69 t1.Equals(t2)
FSharpEqualsOp 1000 2.324 ms 0.98 Type.op_Equality(t1,t2)
FSharpRefEquals 1000 2.614 ms 1.10 Object.ReferenceEquals(t1,t2)

So we get a boost by moving from = to hand-coding Type.op_Equality.

We end up with

    static member private IsNumericType(t: Type) =
        match Type.GetTypeCode(t) with
        | TypeCode.SByte
        | TypeCode.Byte
        | TypeCode.Int16
        | TypeCode.Int32
        | TypeCode.Int64
        | TypeCode.Double
        | TypeCode.Single
        | TypeCode.UInt16
        | TypeCode.UInt32
        | TypeCode.UInt64 -> true
        | _ -> System.Type.op_Equality(t, typeof<Clojure.Numerics.BigInt>) 
            || System.Type.op_Equality(t, typeof<System.Numerics.BigInteger>)
            || System.Type.op_Equality(t, typeof<Clojure.BigArith.BigDecimal>)
            || System.Type.op_Equality(t, typeof<Clojure.Numerics.Ratio>)

I’m a convert

Let’s dig into Numbers.equal:

    static member equal(x: obj, y: obj) =
        OpsSelector.ops (x) = OpsSelector.ops (y) && Numbers.getOps(x, y).equiv (x, y)

The first place I looked was at the .equiv call at the end. I was using integers for keys, so we were comparing integers to integers. I know in this case that the .getOps call will retrieve an instance of the LongOps class. Here is the definition of LongOps.equiv:

        member this.equiv(x: obj, y: obj) : bool = convertToLong (x) = convertToLong (y)

convertToLong is in the Converters module:

let convertToLong (o: obj) : int64 =
    match o with
    | :? Int64 as i -> int64 (i)
    | :? Double as d -> int64 (d)
    | :? Int32 as i -> int64 (i)
    | :? Byte as b -> int64 (b)
    | :? Char as c -> int64 (c)
    | :? Int16 as i -> int64 (i)
    | :? SByte as s -> int64 (s)
    | :? Single as s -> int64 (s)
    | :? UInt16 as u -> int64 (u)
    | :? UInt32 as u -> int64 (u)
    | :? UInt64 as u -> int64 (u)
    | :? Decimal as d -> int64 (d)
    | _ -> Convert.ToInt64(o, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

Here, we use matching by :? which translates to a series of checks using the isinst opcode. The speed will be dependent on the order in which the types are tested, so I benchmarked different orders against different input types. One could also match on TypeCode as we did in IsNumericType. Finally, one could just call Convert.ToInt64 and not try to be clever.

I did runs with single calls. I did runs with 100,000 calls. I used different data types for input. Here is a sample run:

Method inputType Mean StdDev Ratio RatioSD
TypeCode I32 2.410 ns 0.0651 ns 1.68 0.05
CastingAlpha I32 1.798 ns 0.0175 ns 1.26 0.02
CastingNasty I32 2.131 ns 0.0285 ns 1.49 0.03
CastingNice I32 1.585 ns 0.0138 ns 1.11 0.01
Direct I32 1.431 ns 0.0137 ns 1.00 0.00
TypeCode I64 2.100 ns 0.0196 ns 1.54 0.02
CastingAlpha I64 1.817 ns 0.0236 ns 1.33 0.02
CastingNasty I64 2.345 ns 0.0687 ns 1.72 0.06
CastingNice I64 1.656 ns 0.0245 ns 1.22 0.02
Direct I64 1.364 ns 0.0130 ns 1.00 0.00
TypeCode Dbl 2.296 ns 0.0283 ns 1.04 0.02
CastingAlpha Dbl 1.779 ns 0.0167 ns 0.80 0.02
CastingNasty Dbl 2.541 ns 0.0124 ns 1.15 0.02
CastingNice Dbl 1.822 ns 0.0131 ns 0.83 0.02
Direct Dbl 2.212 ns 0.0475 ns 1.00 0.00
TypeCode Str 5.675 ns 0.0577 ns 1.12 0.02
CastingAlpha Str 7.011 ns 0.0325 ns 1.38 0.02
CastingNasty Str 7.028 ns 0.0248 ns 1.38 0.02
CastingNice Str 7.105 ns 0.0316 ns 1.40 0.02
Direct Str 5.064 ns 0.0727 ns 1.00 0.00

The differences between the Castingxxx tests are the ordering of the match cases.

The only place where Direct is beat is several of the Double cases. Apparently the method dispatch in the Convert.ToInt64is faster in general than grabbing the type code and switching or doing sequential type testings.

I contemplated special casing Double before calling Convert.ToInt64 but I figured I could live with a 0.39 nanosecond hit on doubles.

So convertToLong gets simplified to:

let convertToLong (o: obj) : int64 = Convert.ToInt64(o, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

With the additional bonus of being inline-able, saving a call! (Which may be where the savings actually occurs.)

Solving a problem with dispatch

Continuing with

    static member equal(x: obj, y: obj) =
        OpsSelector.ops (x) = OpsSelector.ops (y) && Numbers.getOps(x, y).equiv (x, y)

Can we improve the categorization of the types or the table lookups?

    let ops (x: obj) : OpsType =
        match Type.GetTypeCode(x.GetType()) with
        | TypeCode.SByte
        | TypeCode.Int16
        | TypeCode.Int32
        | TypeCode.Int64 -> OpsType.Long

        | TypeCode.Byte
        | TypeCode.UInt16
        | TypeCode.UInt32
        | TypeCode.UInt64 -> OpsType.ULong

        | TypeCode.Single
        | TypeCode.Double -> OpsType.Double

        | TypeCode.Decimal -> OpsType.ClrDecimal

        | _ ->
            match x with
            | :? BigInt
            | :? BigInteger -> OpsType.BigInteger
            | :? Ratio -> OpsType.Ratio
            | :? BigDecimal -> OpsType.BigDecimal
            | _ -> OpsType.Long

It turns out that moving from TypeCode to :? (isinst in IL) is a small win. The results are order-dependent, so I may undo this change:

    let ops (x: obj) : OpsType =
        match x with
        | :? Int64 -> OpsType.Long
        | :? Double -> OpsType.Double

        | :? Int32 -> OpsType.Long
        | :? Single -> OpsType.Double

        | :? BigInt
        | :? BigInteger -> OpsType.BigInteger

        | :? SByte
        | :? Int16  -> OpsType.Long

        | :? Ratio -> OpsType.Ratio

        | :? Byte
        | :? UInt16
        | :? UInt32
        | :? UInt64 -> OpsType.ULong

        | :? BigDecimal -> OpsType.BigDecimal

        | :? Decimal -> OpsType.ClrDecimal

        | _ -> OpsType.Long

As for getOps, I started with:

    static member getOps(x: obj, y: obj) =
        Numbers.opsImplTable[int (OpsSelector.combine (OpsSelector.ops (x), OpsSelector.ops (y)))]

OpsSelector.combine is just a lookup in a 2D array – hard to improve on that. And we use that result to do another array lookup – hard to improve on that.

Au contraire!

Numbers.opsImplTable was defined as a static member private in the Numbers class. F# puts in a bunch of sequencing checks in the code to initialize static fields. I’ve read suggestions that tiered compilation would eventually get rid of the checks, but my tests did not show that.

Here is what the code looks like for a static member reference (decompiled from the IL into C#):

        public static int StaticMember
                if (init@5 < 1)
                return StaticMember@;

I ran a benchmark comparing various kinds of lookups of a value:

The things being compared are:

  • NoLookup: just a loop that does no lookup, constant is embedded in the loop
  • LiteralLookup: a loop that uses a marked [<literal>] value
  • StaticValLookup: a loop that looks up a static val member of a class
  • NonstaticValLookup: a loop that looks up a non-static val member of class
  • GetLetLookup: a loop that looks up a let member of a class

The results

Method size Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD
NoLookup 1000 256.7 ns 1.01 ns 0.90 ns 1.00 0.00
LiteralLookup 1000 261.6 ns 2.75 ns 2.29 ns 1.02 0.01
StaticValLookup 1000 311.1 ns 6.21 ns 5.81 ns 1.21 0.02
NonstaticValLookup 1000 269.6 ns 3.94 ns 3.69 ns 1.05 0.02
GetLetLookup 1000 262.5 ns 5.15 ns 7.55 ns 1.04 0.03
NoLookup 5000 1,273.7 ns 12.81 ns 11.98 ns 1.00 0.00
LiteralLookup 5000 1,267.9 ns 12.64 ns 11.82 ns 1.00 0.01
StaticValLookup 5000 1,508.1 ns 19.07 ns 17.84 ns 1.18 0.02
NonstaticValLookup 5000 1,263.5 ns 14.06 ns 11.74 ns 0.99 0.01
GetLetLookup 5000 1,311.2 ns 23.93 ns 22.39 ns 1.03 0.02

We take a hit on the static val due just to the initialization checks. Now, we are down in the sub-nanosecond range here, but it did have an effect on the performance of PersistentArrayMap.createWithCheck.

I struggled to find a way to get rid of the checks. I moved code into modules, but I had to make the modules recursive with Numbers, LongOps and friends because of inherent circularity that I could not figure out how to decouple.

Eventually, I did move the getOps code into its own separate module. However, I have to fill one of its tables with instances of LongOps and friends, so I added an initialization function that now must be called prior to working with Numbers. When the dust settles, I may go back and see if there is another way to do this, or if I have reduced coupling enough for the remaining static initialization checks to have minimal impact.

I found some other minor tweaks. The final code is:

module OpsSelector =

    let selectorTable =
            [| [| OpsType.Long
                  OpsType.ClrDecimal |]

   // leaving out the rest of the table

    let ops (x: obj) : OpsType =
        match x with
        | :? Int64 -> OpsType.Long
        | :? Double -> OpsType.Double

        | :? Int32 -> OpsType.Long
        | :? Single -> OpsType.Double

        | :? BigInt
        | :? BigInteger -> OpsType.BigInteger

        | :? SByte
        | :? Int16  -> OpsType.Long

        | :? Ratio -> OpsType.Ratio

        | :? Byte
        | :? UInt16
        | :? UInt32
        | :? UInt64 -> OpsType.ULong

        | :? BigDecimal -> OpsType.BigDecimal

        | :? Decimal -> OpsType.ClrDecimal

        | _ -> OpsType.Long

    let combine (t1: OpsType, t2: OpsType) = selectorTable[int (t1), int (t2)]

    let opsImplTable: Ops array = Array.zeroCreate 7

    let getOps(x: obj) = opsImplTable[ops (x) |> int]
    let getOps2(x: obj, y: obj) = opsImplTable[combine( ops (x), ops (y)) |> int]

    let getOpsFromType(t: OpsType) = opsImplTable[int t]
    let getOpsFromType2(t1: OpsType, t2: OpsType) = opsImplTable[combine(t1, t2) |> int]

    let getBigIntOps = opsImplTable[int OpsType.BigInteger]
    let getBigDecOps = opsImplTable[int OpsType.BigDecimal]

module Initializer =
    let init() =
        OpsSelector.opsImplTable[OpsType.Long |> int] <- LongOps()
        OpsSelector.opsImplTable[OpsType.ULong |> int] <- ULongOps()
        OpsSelector.opsImplTable[OpsType.Double |> int] <- DoubleOps()
        OpsSelector.opsImplTable[OpsType.Ratio |> int] <- RatioOps()
        OpsSelector.opsImplTable[OpsType.BigInteger |> int] <- BigIntOps()
        OpsSelector.opsImplTable[OpsType.BigDecimal |> int] <- BigDecimalOps()
        OpsSelector.opsImplTable[OpsType.ClrDecimal |> int] <- ClrDecimalOps()    

There must have been a problem in my original benchmark of ops and my conclusions on the impact of static initializations. I have since redone that work and provided a corrigendum. Ignore some of what follows.

Does it matter? I did a mockup of the C# code – I couldn’t access the code from the C# assembly because the things I needed to test were private. The C# equivalant of the ops call is called category. Before making any changes:

Method inputType Mean Ratio
FirstCategory I32 1.187 ns 1.00
NextOps I32 6.275 ns 5.29
FirstCategory I64 1.181 ns 1.00
NextOps I64 4.527 ns 3.83
FirstCategory Dbl 1.408 ns 1.00
NextOps Dbl 4.724 ns 3.36
FirstCategory U64 1.673 ns 1.00
NextOps U64 4.568 ns 2.72

The static initializer overhead was costing us 2-5X!

With the changes to the type lookup and the static intialization (and one other little change to avoid an array lookup, better matching the C#), I ended up with:

Method inputType Mean Ratio
FirstCategory I32 1.2089 ns 1.00
NextOps I32 2.1974 ns 1.82
FirstCategory I64 1.1973 ns 1.00
NextOps I64 0.5491 ns 0.46
FirstCategory Dbl 1.4162 ns 1.00
NextOps Dbl 0.7587 ns 0.54
FirstCategory U64 1.6379 ns 1.00
NextOps U64 3.4541 ns 2.11

I’m not surprised U64 takes a hit – it is at the bottom of sequence of type tests. Not sure about I32.

I made one last little change to Numbers.equal, going from

static member equal(x: obj, y: obj) =
   OpsSelector.ops (x) = OpsSelector.ops (y) && OpsSelector.getOps(x, y).equiv (x, y)


static member equal(x: obj, y: obj) =
    let xOpType = OpsSelector.ops (x)
    let yOpType = OpsSelector.ops (y)
    xOpType =  yOpType && OpsSelector.getOpsByType(xOpType).equiv (x, y)

This avoids doing the type-to-category lookup twice. And we end up with a win over the C# code:

Method xInputType yInputType Mean Ratio
FirstNumberEqual I32 I32 14.512 ns 1.00
NextNumberEqual I32 I32 6.848 ns 0.47
FirstNumberEqual I32 I64 14.491 ns 1.00
NextNumberEqual I32 I64 9.183 ns 0.63
FirstNumberEqual I32 Dbl 2.674 ns 1.00
NextNumberEqual I32 Dbl 4.111 ns 1.54
FirstNumberEqual I64 I32 13.888 ns 1.00
NextNumberEqual I64 I32 9.250 ns 0.67
FirstNumberEqual I64 I64 13.692 ns 1.00
NextNumberEqual I64 I64 5.333 ns 0.39
FirstNumberEqual I64 Dbl 2.790 ns 1.00
NextNumberEqual I64 Dbl 2.797 ns 1.00
FirstNumberEqual Dbl I32 2.941 ns 1.00
NextNumberEqual Dbl I32 4.053 ns 1.38
FirstNumberEqual Dbl I64 2.711 ns 1.00
NextNumberEqual Dbl I64 2.760 ns 1.02
FirstNumberEqual Dbl Dbl 12.366 ns 1.00
NextNumberEqual Dbl Dbl 5.930 ns 0.48

At least if don’t compare Int32s and Doubles too often.

And that’s it for the numbers.

In the next post, we look at the topmost level of the code, PersistentArrayMap.createWithCheck. We’ll see if we can get a win there.