Laziness is a central concept in the handling of sequences in Clojure. Chunking comes along as an efficiency measure. Surprisingly, at the level of implementation we are looking at it, very little needs to be done; laziness is defined most in the Clojure code that builds clojure.core. We’ll take a look at what is needed at the bottom to support laziness and chunking.


Laziness and chunking permeate the sequence machinery in Clojure. There are numerous resources explaining the general concept. (Searching around for those resources, one will discover these topics are a source of confusion for beginners.) For our purposes, Laziness in Clojure will suffice.

There are several useful exercises to prepare for what follows:

  • Search core.clj in the Clojure source code for ‘lazy’ and ‘chunk’.
  • Use the Cheatsheet. The secion ‘Creating a Lazy Seq’ seems promising. Click on any function there to get the doc; the doc page has a link to the source. Note that no function with ‘chunk’ in its name is listed; they are not commonly used.

In the Clojure source

Look for lazy-seq in the Clojure source code. The macro lazy-seq turns its argument into (fn* [] body) and passes that to the constructor for LazySeq. lazy-seq occurs in the definitions of concat, map, filter, take, take-while, drop, drop-while, … . You get the idea. (I’d like to point out lazy-cat; notice this is a statement, not a question.)

One of the simplest uses of lazy-seq is in repeatedly:

(defn repeatedly
  "Takes a function of no args, presumably with side effects, and
  returns an infinite (or length n if supplied) lazy sequence of calls
  to it" 
  {:added "1.0"
   :static true}
  ([f] (lazy-seq (cons (f) (repeatedly f))))
  ([n f] (take n (repeatedly f))))

I can guarantee you do not want to try to realize an infinite sequence. Without the lazy-seq, this would result immediately in an infinite recursion.

You will note in the Clojure code that lazy-seq and chunking appear frequently together. Here is a piece of the code for the function map:

 ([f coll]
    (when-let [s (seq coll)]
      (if (chunked-seq? s)
        (let [c (chunk-first s)
              size (int (count c))
              b (chunk-buffer size)]
          (dotimes [i size]
              (chunk-append b (f (.nth c i))))
          (chunk-cons (chunk b) (map f (chunk-rest s))))
        (cons (f (first s)) (map f (rest s)))))))

A lot of chunky-inesss in there. chunked-seq, chunk-first and the rest are defined right after lazy-seq:

(defn ^:static ^clojure.lang.ChunkBuffer chunk-buffer ^clojure.lang.ChunkBuffer [capacity]
  (clojure.lang.ChunkBuffer. capacity))

(defn ^:static chunk-append [^clojure.lang.ChunkBuffer b x]
  (.add b x))

(defn ^:static ^clojure.lang.IChunk chunk [^clojure.lang.ChunkBuffer b]
  (.chunk b))

(defn ^:static ^clojure.lang.IChunk chunk-first ^clojure.lang.IChunk [^clojure.lang.IChunkedSeq s]
  (.chunkedFirst s))

(defn ^:static ^clojure.lang.ISeq chunk-rest ^clojure.lang.ISeq [^clojure.lang.IChunkedSeq s]
  (.chunkedMore s))

(defn ^:static ^clojure.lang.ISeq chunk-next ^clojure.lang.ISeq [^clojure.lang.IChunkedSeq s]
  (.chunkedNext s))

(defn ^:static chunk-cons [chunk rest]
  (if (clojure.lang.Numbers/isZero (clojure.lang.RT/count chunk))
    (clojure.lang.ChunkedCons. chunk rest)))
(defn ^:static chunked-seq? [s]
  (instance? clojure.lang.IChunkedSeq s))

We’ll discuss the underlying interfaces and classes below.

We can glean a few clues about chunking by looking at the map code. There are two cases depending on whether the sequence we are going to map over is chunky or smooth (had to be said). The smooth case is what you think map should do: create a sequence with f applied to each element. Defined recursively as:

(cons (f (first s)) (map f (rest s)))

Note that laziness is crucial here. f will be applied to (first s) when this node is realized, but the recursive call to map results in a lazy sequence again, so the f will not applied until the next value is required.

For the chunking piece, we see a parallel:

(chunk-cons (chunk b) (map f (chunk-rest s)))

That b is filled first with result of calling f on every item in the first chunk of the chunked sequence:

(dotimes [i size]
  (chunk-append b (f (.nth c i))))

Thus b plays the role of (f (first s)). This is the essence of chunking. Rather than just apply f once at a time, do a number of them all at once. f may get called more than it would on a non-chunked basis, but presumably thia a price you are willing to pay for avoiding the overhead of creating sequence elements for all the items in the chunk.

In the basement

Let’s dig in. LazySeq is quite easy, ignoring a few distractions. (LazySeq does not derive from ASeq, so it has supply all the goodies it would otherwise inherit. I’ll leave off the implementation code for System.Collections.IList and System.Collections.ICollection. Boring, really.)

Easy does not equate to obvious.

[<Sealed; AllowNullLiteral>]
type LazySeq private (m1, fn1, s1) =
    inherit Obj(m1)
    let mutable fn: IFn = fn1
    let mutable s: ISeq = s1
    let mutable sv: obj = null

    private new(m1: IPersistentMap, s1: ISeq) = LazySeq(m1, null, s1)

    new(fn: IFn) = LazySeq(null, fn, null)

The only public constructor takes an IFn. One you get around to needing a value from this sequence, fn1.invoke() will be called to generate … something. At that time, fn1 will be set to null – we are done with it. Doing so is a flags that this LazySeq has been realized (Clojure function realized? called on it will return true.)

interface IPending with
    member _.isRealized() = isNull fn

The value that fn1.invoke() returns is cached temporarily in sv. Note this is an Object, not necessarily an ISeq. We are only part of the way there. This invocation and field mutation is done in member sval:

member _.sval() : obj =
    if not (isNull fn) then
        sv <- fn.invoke ()
        fn <- null

    match sv with
    | null -> upcast s
    | _ -> sv

The if expression does the invocation if it hasn’t been done already. The match returns either sv or s. You have to see the rest of the code (below) to piece this together, but in essence if sv is not null, then we have not gone all the way to get a sequence. If sv is null, then s holds the sequence. (Which could be null if the sequence is empty.)

Where does sval get called? From seq():

    interface Seqable with

        override this.seq() =

            this.sval () |> ignore

            if not (isNull sv) then

                let rec getNext (x: obj) =
                    match x with
                    | :? LazySeq as ls -> getNext (ls.sval ())
                    | _ -> x

                let ls = sv
                sv <- null
                s <- RT0.seq (getNext ls)


Why does this important action (calling sval) occur here, and what does it imply? If any of the Clojure sequence functions need something from us, either to process an element or even just to check if we are empty, they will call seq on us. And within LazySeq itself, all the ISeq methods call seq():

    interface ISeq with
        member this.first() =
            (this :> ISeq).seq () |> ignore
            if isNull s then null else s.first ()

        member =
            (this :> ISeq).seq () |> ignore
            if isNull s then null else ()

        member this.more() =
            (this :> ISeq).seq () |> ignore

            if isNull s then upcast PersistentList.Empty else s.more ()

These are straightforward. But what is seq() doing? It calls sval for the potential side-effect of calling fn1 to realize the sequence. At that point, if sv is null, we have our sequence in s. However, if sv is not null, we need to do a little more work. We grab sv’s value, set sv to null to indicate we will have computed the final sequence, then call our little internal function getNext, a recursive loop to work though a potential chain of LazySeqs until we get a ‘real’ sequence, or at least something we can call RT.seq() on. (Remember RT.seq()?) Now we are realized (fn1 has been invoked), and we have tracked through to a sequence. We are good to go.

You might ask if that little loop is necessary. First, LazySeq’s being nested are quite common. (Trust me.) By separating sval from seq, we can avoid unnecessary calls to seq on the intervening LazySeqs. Definitely worth it.

And that’s pretty much it for LazySeq. There are some cute consequences of some parts of the encoding. For example, if you want to add metadata via `IObj.withMeta()’:

    interface IObj with
        override this.withMeta(meta: IPersistentMap) =
            if obj.ReferenceEquals((this :> IMeta).meta (), meta) then
                this :> IObj
                LazySeq(meta, (this :> ISeq).seq ()) :> IObj

You can’t do that without realizing the LazySeq; see that call to seq(). This explains the one private constructor that takes a PersistentMap and an ISeq. The LazySeq it constructs has fn1 set to null (we’re realized), sv set to null (we’ve tracked through to our ‘real’ sequence), and s set to the ‘real’ sequence.


All that work and we haven’t gotten to chunking yet. The basics are straightforward. A collection indicates support for chunking by implementing the IChunkedSeq interface.

type IChunkedSeq =
    inherit ISeq
    inherit Sequential
    abstract chunkedFirst: unit -> IChunk
    abstract chunkedNext: unit -> ISeq
    abstract chunkedMore: unit -> ISeq

which looks a lot like ISeq. Think of a chunked sequence as, well, a sequence of chunks, where a chunk is one of these:

type IChunk =
    inherit Indexed
    abstract dropFirst: unit -> IChunk
    abstract reduce: f: IFn * start: obj -> obj

By inheriting Indexed, it picks up count() and two flavors of nth, giving us direct access to the count() number of elements in the buffer. We usually build a chunk by first creating a ChunkBuffer:

type ChunkBuffer(capacity:int) =

    let mutable buffer : obj array = Array.zeroCreate capacity
    let mutable cnt : int = 0

    interface Counted with
        member _.count() = cnt

    member _.add(o:obj) = 
        buffer[cnt] <- 0
        cnt <- cnt+1

    member _.chunk() : IChunk =
        let ret = ArrayChunk(buffer,0,cnt)
        buffer <- null

which allocates an array and allows adding elements to it. And then you callchunk() on it to create an ArrayChunk that implements IChunk.

type ArrayChunk(arr:obj array,offset:int ,iend:int) =
    new(arr,offset) = ArrayChunk(arr,offset,arr.Length)

    interface Counted with
        member _.count() = iend-offset

    interface Indexed with
        member _.nth(i) = arr[offset+i]
        member this.nth(i,nf) =
            if 0 <= i && i < (this:>Counted).count() then  

    interface IChunk with
        member _.dropFirst() =
            if offset = iend then
                raise <| InvalidOperationException("dropFirst of empty chunk")

        member _.reduce(f,start) =
            let ret = f.invoke(start,arr[offset])
            let rec step (ret:obj) idx =
                match ret with  
                | :? Reduced -> ret
                | _ when idx >= iend -> ret
                | _ -> step (f.invoke(ret,arr[idx])) (idx+1)
            step ret (offset+1)

Note than an ArrayChunk has count() and nth(*) for getting its elements. dropFirst() gives a new ArrayChunk on the same array with a new starting point in the array. Reduction will talk about in a later post.

The last piece of the puzzle is ChunkedCons:

type ChunkedCons(meta:IPersistentMap, chunk:IChunk, more:ISeq) =
    inherit ASeq(meta)

    new(chunk,more) = ChunkedCons(null,chunk,more)

    interface IObj with 
        override this.withMeta(m) =
            if obj.ReferenceEquals(m,meta) then

    interface ISeq with
        override _.first() = chunk.nth(0)
        override =
            if chunk.count() > 1 then
        override this.more() =
            if chunk.count() > 1 then
            elif isNull more then

    interface IChunkedSeq with
        member _.chunkedFirst() = chunk
        member this.chunkedNext() = (this:>IChunkedSeq).chunkedMore().seq()
        member _.chunkedMore() =
            if isNull more then

It gets most of its goodness from ASeq and otherwise looks somewhat like Cons except that its first ‘element’ is actually a chunk. first grabs the nth(0) element of that chunk, while next() does a dropFirst to move on, unless we’ve reached the end of the leading chunk, in which case we move to what follows.

Our chunky collections

Only three collections down in the basement (other than ChunkedCons) implement IChunkedSeq: Range, LongRange, and PersistentVector.

I have LongRange and Range completed, but this part of the code is too messy to be very edifying. Chunking is actually used in an essential manner in these classes, however. Here is one snippet to give you a flavor:

  let arr: obj array = Array.zeroCreate Range.CHUNK_SIZE
  let lastV, n = fillArray startV arr 0
  chunk <- ArrayChunk(arr, 0, n)

fillArray fills values into the array up to size Range.CHUNk_SIZE, and returns the next starting value and how many elements were put into the array. (That might be less than Range.CHUNK_SIZE if we are at the end of the range.) And then we create a chunk.

We’ll cover the PersistentVector implementation of this when we get to that class. That’s a lot more fun, actually, because a PersistentVector essentially is implemented directly in a chunky manner, so that mapping to IChunkedSeq is very natural.
